Source code for genometools.enrichment.result

# Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Florian Wagner
# This file is part of GenomeTools.
# GenomeTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

"""Module containing the `StaticGSEResult` and `RankBasedGSEResult` classes."""

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *

import logging
import hashlib
from collections import Iterable

import numpy as np

from xlmhg import mHGResult
from ..basic import GeneSet

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StaticGSEResult(object): """Result of a hypergeometric test for gene set enrichment. Parameters ---------- gene_set : `genometools.basic.GeneSet` See :attr:`gene_set`. N : int See :attr:`N`. n : int See :attr:`n`. selected_genes : iterable of `ExpGene` See :attr:`selected_genes`. pval : float See :attr:`pval`. Attributes ---------- gene_set : `genometools.basic.GeneSet` The gene set. N : int The total number of genes in the analysis. n : int The number of genes selected. selected_genes : set of `ExpGene` The genes from the gene set found present. pval : float The hypergeometric p-value. """ def __init__(self, gene_set, N, n, selected_genes, pval): assert isinstance(gene_set, GeneSet) assert isinstance(N, (int, np.integer)) assert isinstance(n, int) assert isinstance(selected_genes, Iterable) assert isinstance(pval, (float, np.float)) self.gene_set = gene_set self.N = N self.n = n self.selected_genes = set(selected_genes) self.pval = pval def __repr__(self): return '<%s object (pval=%.1e, gene_set_id="%s", hash="%s">' \ % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pval, self.gene_set._id, self.hash) def __str__(self): return '<%s object (pval=%.1e; N=%d; K=%d; n=%d; k=%d; gene_set=%s)>' \ % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pval, self.N, self.K, self.n, self.k, str(self.gene_set)) def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True elif type(self) is type(other): return self.hash == other.hash else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @property def hash(self): data_str = ';'.join( [str(repr(var)) for var in [self.gene_set, self.N, self.n, sorted(self.selected_genes), self.pval]]) data = data_str.encode('UTF-8') return str(hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()) @property def K(self): return self.gene_set.size @property def k(self): return len(self.selected_genes) @property def fold_enrichment(self): """Returns the fold enrichment of the gene set. Fold enrichment is defined as ratio between the observed and the expected number of gene set genes present. """ expected = self.K * (self.n/float(self.N)) return self.k / expected
[docs] def get_pretty_format(self, max_name_length=0): """Returns a nicely formatted string describing the result. Parameters ---------- max_name_length: int [0] The maximum length of the gene set name (in characters). If the gene set name is longer than this number, it will be truncated and "..." will be appended to it, so that the final string exactly meets the length requirement. If 0 (default), no truncation is performed. If not 0, must be at least 3. Returns ------- str The formatted string. Raises ------ ValueError If an invalid length value is specified. """ assert isinstance(max_name_length, (int, np.integer)) if max_name_length < 0 or (1 <= max_name_length <= 2): raise ValueError('max_name_length must be 0 or >= 3.') gs_name = self.gene_set._name if max_name_length > 0 and len(gs_name) > max_name_length: assert max_name_length >= 3 gs_name = gs_name[:(max_name_length - 3)] + '...' param_str = '(%d/%d @ %d/%d, pval=%.1e, fe=%.1fx)' \ % (self.k, self.K, self.n, self.N, self.pval, self.fold_enrichment) return '%s %s' % (gs_name, param_str)
[docs]class RankBasedGSEResult(mHGResult): """Result of an XL-mHG-based test for gene set enrichment. This class inherits from `xlmhg.mHGResult`. Parameters ---------- gene_set : `genometools.basic.GeneSet` See :attr:`gene_set` attribute. N: int The total number of genes in the ranked list. See also :attr:`xlmhg.mHGResult.N`. indices: `numpy.ndarray` of integers The indices of the gene set genes in the ranked list. ind_genes: list of str See :attr:`ind_genes` attribute. X: int The XL-mHG X parameter. L: int The XL-mHG L parameter. stat: float The XL-mHG test statistic. cutoff: int The cutoff at which the XL-mHG test statistic was attained. pval: float The XL-mHG p-value. pval_thresh: float, optional The p-value threshold used in the analysis. [None] escore_pval_thresh: float, optional The hypergeometric p-value threshold used for calculating the E-score. If not specified, the XL-mHG p-value will be used, resulting in a conservative E-score. [None] escore_tol: float, optional The tolerance used for calculating the E-score. [None] Attributes ---------- gene_set : `genometools.basic.GeneSet` The gene set. ind_genes : list of str The names of the genes corresponding to the indices. """ def __init__(self, gene_set, N, indices, ind_genes, X, L, stat, cutoff, pval, pval_thresh=None, escore_pval_thresh=None, escore_tol=None): # call parent constructor mHGResult.__init__(self, N, indices, X, L, stat, cutoff, pval, pval_thresh=pval_thresh, escore_pval_thresh=escore_pval_thresh, escore_tol=escore_tol) # type checks assert isinstance(gene_set, GeneSet) assert isinstance(ind_genes, Iterable) if len(ind_genes) != indices.size: raise ValueError('The number of genes must match the number of ' 'indices.') self.gene_set = gene_set self.ind_genes = list(ind_genes) # @classmethod # def from_mHGResult(...) def __repr__(self): return '<%s object (N=%d, gene_set_id="%s", hash="%s">' \ % (self.__class__.__name__, self.N, self.gene_set._id, self.hash) def __str__(self): return '<%s object (gene_set=%s, pval=%.1e)>' \ % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self.gene_set), self.pval) def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True elif type(self) is type(other): return self.hash == other.hash else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @property def hash(self): data_str = ';'.join( [super().hash] + [str(repr(var)) for var in [self.gene_set, self.ind_genes]]) data = data_str.encode('UTF-8') return str(hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()) @property def genes_above_cutoff(self): return self.ind_genes[:self.k] def get_pretty_format(self, omit_param=True, max_name_length=0): # TO-DO: clean up, commenting gs_name = self.gene_set._name if max_name_length > 0 and len(gs_name) > max_name_length: assert max_name_length >= 3 gs_name = gs_name[:(max_name_length - 3)] + '...' gs_str = gs_name + ' (%d / %d @ %d)' % \ (self.k, len(self.ind_genes), self.cutoff) param_str = '' if not omit_param: param_str = ' [X=%d,L=%d,N=%d]' % (self.X, self.L, self.N) details = ', p=%.1e, e=%.1fx%s' % (self.pval, self.escore, param_str) return '%s%s' % (gs_str, details)